Monday, July 26, 2010

PS Mercator making sphere effect (3)

Part III: effect of metal

Now, let us add some plain sphere special effects. Of course, you can use other methods, here, I used a more special effects, so our three-dimensional sphere looks like a metal ball. (Figure 29)

Figure 29

This section focuses on exclusion, overlay, and Multiply these layers the model.

Before dealing with images, some need to explain. That is, do not let your sight hinder your thoughts. If you have been to follow this tutorial to do so, do not give a fixed limit your thinking steps. If you think a step in the use of other methods can achieve better results, although a bold attempt, this tutorial is to play a serve as a stimulus. Now, let's get started!

1. Although we designed the second part of the type of ball more popular, but here, we adopted the first ball as a starting point, we started making metal ball. Artificial opening in the first part of the completion of the image, in addition to the background layer, a layer only a layer of spheres. Press Ctrl + T, to -30 degrees rotating sphere layer, press Ctrl + J, copy the layer, rename it to 1, with the Ctrl + I reverse image color change from black to white lines. Thus, our ball looks like a hook with a pencil outline of the same. (Figure 30)

Figure 30

2. The next part, you get results with our example of the degree of similarity depends on whether you do as I approach the. In the filters menu, select Other> Maximum command, the radius set to 3. If the steps in front of you and me the same, then it should be like the following figure (Figure 31). If your image looks significantly different from the examples, or perhaps you prefer finer lines and smaller crossover point blank, then reset the option. This layer of mixed-mode to "exclusion." Exclusion model using a layer of pixels and the black mixture does not change. Therefore, our image in the mixed-mode does not change after the change.

Figure 31

To make the intersection of lines and better from the background stand out, copy the layer with Ctrl + J "1", the copy of the layer named "2." In the Layers panel, the two moved to the 1 below, the color reversal image 2 will be mixed into the layer stack. Our image looks or no change.

3. Now copy the lines of our sphere layer is "Layer 1", the "Layer 1 copy" layer name change to "3", reverse image color, the layer to exclude mixed-mode, as shown below. (Figure 32)

Figure 32

4. In the "Layer 1" on the new layer, name it "4." With the ellipse tool to draw a positive circle, the same size and ball size. You can press the Alt and Shift, drag out from the sphere center, until the sphere edge. Foreground and background colors will revert to the default black and white state, the exchange of shade guide, select the gradient tool in the radial gradient, from top right to bottom left to make the constituency from white to black gradient, de-select (Figure 33). Gradient layer in the mixed-mode to overlay, you will be disappointed that the gradient effect was found missing, it does not matter, we will be it for a while to recover.

Figure 33

5. In the Layers panel, select 3, copy, copy renamed 5. Now, set your foreground and background colors are white and a medium intensity of color, such as RGB (0,84,166), hold down the Ctrl, click on "Layer 1", included in the scope of the sphere lines in Figure Application Layer 5 constituency clouds filter. Deselected, the mixed layer to Multiply, then reduce the layer opacity to 25%, the role of this layer is a colored sphere. (Figure 34)

Figure 34


6. The next part of it, more difficult to describe, hope that we can concentrate. In the "Layer 1" on the new layer, changed its name to "6." Unlike the previous steps, here, we need to see the changes effect, so more than a few hidden layers 6. In layer 6, the load has been hidden layer 4 of opaque regions, filling the white, keep constituencies. Reset the default palette, the filter menu, select sketch> halftone pattern, the pattern type, select "straight line", will the contrast set to maximum, the line thickness of 2 pixels, click OK application. Then in the filter menu, choose Other> maximum radius of 2 pixels. (Figure 35)

Figure 31

Press Ctrl + J copy of layer 6, in the form of layer 2, open the change box shape, a copy layer of rotating 90 掳, the mixed layer to Multiply so that vertical and horizontal lines can be revealed. Layer 2 down into the layers 6, we get a detailed grid image. (Figure 36)

Figure 36

Loading 6 opaque area in the selection> modify select "shrink" command, then 2 pixels emergence constituency. Sphere of application of the constituency filter, the number of 100%, mode normal, reserved constituencies. (Figure 37)

Figure 37

Next, expand the constituencies of 25 pixels, press Ctrl + Shift + I, anti-selection; then Ctrl + Shift + Alt key, click on the layer 4, cross-loading gradient sphere constituency, are outside the sphere grid constituency. In the filter> distort select "squeeze" filter set to 100% of the quantity, cancel options. At this time, this layer is the internal effect of the expansion, the external effect for the squeezed middle remains the same. (Figure 38)

Figure 38

Opaque layer 4 load area, still in layer 6, the implementation of the spherical surface of filter mode continues as normal, but the number was as -100%. Emergence of the constituencies and 10 pixels, anti-election for 3 times removed, de-select (Figure 39). The hybrid model will be 6 to Multiply. (Figure 40)

Figure 39

Figure 40

7. Select "Layer 1", on which the new layer, name the layer "7." Reset Palette, select Filter> render> clouds, we carried out a layer of clouds in this rendering. Opaque layer 4 load area, the filter> to select pixels of "mosaic", set the cell size is 15. Further implementation of the USM sharpening, strengthening mosaic effect, amount to 150%, Radius 0.5 pixels, threshold 0. (Figure 41)

Figure 41

8. Constituencies on the layer 7 filter implementation sphere of twice the number of 100%, mode normal, mosaic effect is expansive.鍙嶈浆閫夊尯锛屽垹闄ゅ悗鍙栨秷閫夋嫨銆傚啀灏嗛┈璧涘厠灞傚拰缃戞牸灞傛棆杞?30掳锛屽嵆涓?紑濮嬩綘灏嗙悆浣撶嚎鏉℃棆杞殑搴︽暟銆傛渶鍚庯紝灏嗚繖涓?眰鐨勬贩鍚堟ā寮忚涓烘帓闄わ紝鏁堟灉濡傚浘鎵?ず锛堝浘42锛夈?

Figure 42

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wiki Chinese ideal: as a seed to take root

Both Ward Cunningham (Ward Cunningham) or Jimmy Wales (Jimmy Wales), may not think of, then sudden inspiration, turned out to be given to Wiki (Wikipedia) that a similar "graffiti board" type technical patterns such vitality, and so far has spawned a large number of the numerous, various kinds of Wiki sites around the world have a more powerful influence.

Knowledge sharing and collaboration models and the spirit of innovation is also the process, gradually formed a who also could not ignore and avoid the strong force.

However, this force seems that we can see, touch, but I still can not feel. For those who follow the trajectory of a pioneer in China pioneer who walk Wikipedia, the ideal of what is perhaps clear than the ideal practice is more urgent and important

Articles writer | Qiong Chen

It now appears that the summer of 2003 for domestic Wikipedia (Wiki) circle and the world of the wiki movement activists who are quite new and wonderful time. Year in September, wiki inventor Ward Cunningham concept (Ward Cunningham) is Microsoft's hiring, the news immediately wiki groups in the world caused by the unprecedented warmly. United States, "Seattle Times" and even carried an article cheered: "Ward Cunningham joined Microsoft, so everyone recognizes the importance of wiki technology, the invention of the wiki technology and the oldest wiki, with his personal efforts to sowing the seeds of this technology to the entire world, and watched them grow vigorously. "

As a seed to take root

That is, during that period, the domestic have begun to gather the first and try to establish contact with wiki wiki site in Chinese people. "Victoria Library" (, founder and administrator Baoming Hao is on the wiki since 2003, had a strong interest in the development of the following year in September, "Victoria Library" formally launched test; "Web Book" ( back in July 2003 has already come out, its founder and administrator leaves the main peaks was member, cnblog is the earliest practice the concept of elder blog site.

Although the blog has changed dramatically since the meaning of development, but somehow that, cnblog this by the Issac Mao (Issac) and Zheng Yun depth (Zheng), founded in October 2002, concerned about the edge of the network of tribal culture, technology site can even be seen as is the prototype of the domestic Chinese Wikipedia site, but also spread wiki culture played a crucial role. The time, from the American Jimmy Wales (Jimmy Wales) in January 2001 created Wikipedia (Wikipedia), has gone 21 months. Later cnblog also started his own called "Chinese Weblog encyclopedia" of the wiki part, be formally entered the ranks of the Chinese Wikipedia site.

Active in cnblog year's group of people, such as when the Zhao (Shizhao), Mountain, leaf peaks and others, also in 2003, gradually began to join the wiki business. One, Mountain in the October 24, 2002 for the Chinese version of Wikipedia, writing the first entry has landmark significance, this time we have been recognized as the birth date in Chinese Wikipedia, Mountain also has become the Chinese version of Wikipedia the first user and an administrator. "BBS easy-to-show discussion thread, and wiki is longer reflects the common view." Mountain wrote in his blog, "written in accordance with a neutral point of view, and the addition of the principle of Wikipedia, from the perspective of time, you will find this is a very interesting thing. "

Mountain referred to a neutral point of view (NPOV), another Chinese Wikipedia administrator in September this year, Zhao had a seminar especially emphasized, was He also the characteristics and encyclopedia, free content (GFDL) , friendly community, ignore all the rules and as Wikipedia's "five pillars." In accordance with the evaluation Mountain, currently serving time in Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Wikipedia Chao is the best investment of participants, the Chinese contribution to Wikipedia, but also hard working, a commitment to the community almost more than 50% within the chores, he is now Wikipedia is also the person in charge of China.

"We accept the elitist, does not accept authoritarianism." Zhao felt when, Wikipedia insists neutrality can be more inclusive, more comprehensive view. As the wiki participants have different ideologies and backgrounds, from different corners of the world, Wikipedia would work on it now resorted to the article an objective and fair. And not to say that the objective to achieve an absolute point of view to express the entries, but fairly present all views of a subject. Some people commented that, Wikipedia is to encourage ordinary people to be more innovative to intervene, "the classic knowledge" of production. More importantly, this interfere adopted an open, collaborative model.

Technology, ideal and reality

It is this pattern of civilians, which makes the wiki has been seen by many critics as "a group of fur and only know nothing of the amateur technology enthusiasts of the game." Former "Encyclopedia Britannica" the vice president and editor in chief Robert McHenry (Robert McHenry) Open in 2004 compared to Wikipedia, public toilets, "it may be clear to dirty, so you still have to watch for the magic; maybe it looks up very clean, so you will be paralyzed by a false sense of security. Obviously you can not know exactly who used the toilet before you. "

However, Wales also held in Germany in August this year, the first wiki Congress hit back: "The creation of Wikipedia in the real meaning is that the chaos in the exchange of knowledge generated in the order of the rules, while a huge community cohesion, together we defined knowledge and oversee the process. "Zhao also think that when, on the one hand the accuracy of the content would indeed be doubted, but the more eyes you can see more errors. In accordance with the idea of Wales, Wikipedia's ideal is to create each person can participate in the preparation, and everyone could share the network free encyclopedia.

"That is used for all written in their mother tongue the sum of all human knowledge," Zhao said when, "from the strict definition, this is a content management system, can achieve more than the collaborative online communication." This is undoubtedly a system, complex finishing works of knowledge, knowledge sharing and collaboration models and the spirit of innovation is also the process, gradually formed a who also could not ignore and avoid the strong force.

"New York Times," published in the December 4, 2005 article, wrote: "Wikipedia is already the world's largest encyclopedia in history, as of early December, page hits per month Wikipedia reached 2.5 billion times, at least 82 species new to the language written in the 1000 entry. the total number of entries is now close to 2 million, and is to increase the monthly rate of 7%. Wales said Wikipedia would turn site traffic per month some. "

In addition to Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that illustrious reputation outside the class wiki site, launched in 2004, Wales set up the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikimedia Foundation) has already initiated a number of distinctive sub-projects, such as Wiktionary (Wiktionary), Wikiquote (Wikiquote), Wikibooks (WikiBooks), Wikinews (WikiNews) and so on. Ye told reporters peaks, the international application wiki, there are several already quite mature, showing the power of its due. For example some people even believe that the influence of Wikipedia more than the Encyclopedia Britannica online; current Nokia, Yahoo, Disney, Motorola, SAP and so a world-class multinational corporations, are beginning to use wiki technology for internal information exchange and data management; news wiki the power of the site is obvious, recent attacks on the United States appears Hurricane Katrina information map that combines the advantages of wikis and GoogleMaps to create a follow-up reports flood of public information sources.

"China's wiki site and wiki application of international diversification compared, in passing, and basically nothing comparable." Leaf peaks laments, "many of which are inherent deficiencies, such as the framework for the site design is rather poor, popular enough to maintain a relatively low level. "leaf peaks that domestic groups with a common wiki features, it is mostly angry youth among them, very professional, very strong intellectual habits. In addition to Wikipedia, the wiki site, other major participants in most of the technology lovers, advocating open source, "is a group of so-called Internet fashion elite try to wiki it, still far from blog in China Penetration. " When Zhao also think the ability to communicate across language and wiki entry a technical threshold, are impeding growth of the domestic factors that wiki group.

World wiki founder and webmaster Han Yuwen (yxtiger) told correspondents, domestic wiki site has two major bottlenecks in the content, first the contents of many wiki sites are too general and did not read the value. Second, although Wikipedia is the first one was the accepted example of the success of Wikipedia, its mode of broad and loose, but that the "straw stack mode" hard copy. Wikipedia mature application that is actually Encyclopedia, software manuals, tourism, etc. introduction. Practice in education there are some subtle influence. "Maybe the Wikipedia site for more, the collaborative activities around a particular subject is more realistic. Scattershot contribution results and maybe the future can not be completed buildings, and always like a messy construction site."

As the search engines and Wikipedia integration of product models little famous now has become a national model for a number of portals such as Sina's "Love asked," and Baidu's "know" that people can interact in a platform ask questions and get answers. But, is added a search function more like restricted free to edit the wiki and site, and "Love asked," like the pattern was more like an interactive and collaborative features plus a search. Network heavenly new "bible communication", it was said that the first integration of a wiki and the blog of a new application, leaf peaks that future networks will be built, a non-profit organization bible.

Obviously, such an environment, the domestic to talk about business model is still very distant, for those who follow the trajectory of a pioneer in China pioneer who walk Wikipedia, the clear vision what is perhaps more urgent than the good practice and important. "I always said I was a carpenter, not an architect. I mean, I joined the site and establishing the information base. On the future of vision and leave others to do it. Anyway, I know what I want, I do . "Wales would put such a background, the implication seems endless.

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