Part III: effect of metal
Now, let us add some plain sphere special effects. Of course, you can use other methods, here, I used a more special effects, so our three-dimensional sphere looks like a metal ball. (Figure 29)
Figure 29
This section focuses on exclusion, overlay, and Multiply these layers the model.
Before dealing with images, some need to explain. That is, do not let your sight hinder your thoughts. If you have been to follow this tutorial to do so, do not give a fixed limit your thinking steps. If you think a step in the use of other methods can achieve better results, although a bold attempt, this tutorial is to play a serve as a stimulus. Now, let's get started!
1. Although we designed the second part of the type of ball more popular, but here, we adopted the first ball as a starting point, we started making metal ball. Artificial opening in the first part of the completion of the image, in addition to the background layer, a layer only a layer of spheres. Press Ctrl + T, to -30 degrees rotating sphere layer, press Ctrl + J, copy the layer, rename it to 1, with the Ctrl + I reverse image color change from black to white lines. Thus, our ball looks like a hook with a pencil outline of the same. (Figure 30)
Figure 30
2. The next part, you get results with our example of the degree of similarity depends on whether you do as I approach the. In the filters menu, select Other> Maximum command, the radius set to 3. If the steps in front of you and me the same, then it should be like the following figure (Figure 31). If your image looks significantly different from the examples, or perhaps you prefer finer lines and smaller crossover point blank, then reset the option. This layer of mixed-mode to "exclusion." Exclusion model using a layer of pixels and the black mixture does not change. Therefore, our image in the mixed-mode does not change after the change.
Figure 31
To make the intersection of lines and better from the background stand out, copy the layer with Ctrl + J "1", the copy of the layer named "2." In the Layers panel, the two moved to the 1 below, the color reversal image 2 will be mixed into the layer stack. Our image looks or no change.
3. Now copy the lines of our sphere layer is "Layer 1", the "Layer 1 copy" layer name change to "3", reverse image color, the layer to exclude mixed-mode, as shown below. (Figure 32)
Figure 32
4. In the "Layer 1" on the new layer, name it "4." With the ellipse tool to draw a positive circle, the same size and ball size. You can press the Alt and Shift, drag out from the sphere center, until the sphere edge. Foreground and background colors will revert to the default black and white state, the exchange of shade guide, select the gradient tool in the radial gradient, from top right to bottom left to make the constituency from white to black gradient, de-select (Figure 33). Gradient layer in the mixed-mode to overlay, you will be disappointed that the gradient effect was found missing, it does not matter, we will be it for a while to recover.
Figure 33
5. In the Layers panel, select 3, copy, copy renamed 5. Now, set your foreground and background colors are white and a medium intensity of color, such as RGB (0,84,166), hold down the Ctrl, click on "Layer 1", included in the scope of the sphere lines in Figure Application Layer 5 constituency clouds filter. Deselected, the mixed layer to Multiply, then reduce the layer opacity to 25%, the role of this layer is a colored sphere. (Figure 34)
Figure 34
6. The next part of it, more difficult to describe, hope that we can concentrate. In the "Layer 1" on the new layer, changed its name to "6." Unlike the previous steps, here, we need to see the changes effect, so more than a few hidden layers 6. In layer 6, the load has been hidden layer 4 of opaque regions, filling the white, keep constituencies. Reset the default palette, the filter menu, select sketch> halftone pattern, the pattern type, select "straight line", will the contrast set to maximum, the line thickness of 2 pixels, click OK application. Then in the filter menu, choose Other> maximum radius of 2 pixels. (Figure 35)
Figure 31
Press Ctrl + J copy of layer 6, in the form of layer 2, open the change box shape, a copy layer of rotating 90 掳, the mixed layer to Multiply so that vertical and horizontal lines can be revealed. Layer 2 down into the layers 6, we get a detailed grid image. (Figure 36)
Figure 36
Loading 6 opaque area in the selection> modify select "shrink" command, then 2 pixels emergence constituency. Sphere of application of the constituency filter, the number of 100%, mode normal, reserved constituencies. (Figure 37)
Figure 37
Next, expand the constituencies of 25 pixels, press Ctrl + Shift + I, anti-selection; then Ctrl + Shift + Alt key, click on the layer 4, cross-loading gradient sphere constituency, are outside the sphere grid constituency. In the filter> distort select "squeeze" filter set to 100% of the quantity, cancel options. At this time, this layer is the internal effect of the expansion, the external effect for the squeezed middle remains the same. (Figure 38)
Figure 38
Opaque layer 4 load area, still in layer 6, the implementation of the spherical surface of filter mode continues as normal, but the number was as -100%. Emergence of the constituencies and 10 pixels, anti-election for 3 times removed, de-select (Figure 39). The hybrid model will be 6 to Multiply. (Figure 40)
Figure 39
Figure 40
7. Select "Layer 1", on which the new layer, name the layer "7." Reset Palette, select Filter> render> clouds, we carried out a layer of clouds in this rendering. Opaque layer 4 load area, the filter> to select pixels of "mosaic", set the cell size is 15. Further implementation of the USM sharpening, strengthening mosaic effect, amount to 150%, Radius 0.5 pixels, threshold 0. (Figure 41)
Figure 41
8. Constituencies on the layer 7 filter implementation sphere of twice the number of 100%, mode normal, mosaic effect is expansive.鍙嶈浆閫夊尯锛屽垹闄ゅ悗鍙栨秷閫夋嫨銆傚啀灏嗛┈璧涘厠灞傚拰缃戞牸灞傛棆杞?30掳锛屽嵆涓?紑濮嬩綘灏嗙悆浣撶嚎鏉℃棆杞殑搴︽暟銆傛渶鍚庯紝灏嗚繖涓?眰鐨勬贩鍚堟ā寮忚涓烘帓闄わ紝鏁堟灉濡傚浘鎵?ず锛堝浘42锛夈?
Figure 42
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